Camp Changed My Life

Dear Supporter,

With spring break behind us and the days getting longer, our ministry focus has turned to summer camp. 

Recently, I ran into a young man named Charles who was part of my ministry many years ago. I hadn’t seen him for several years. He’s now married with four daughters, and he was excited to introduce me to his oldest daughter who is in middle school. 

I was surprised when she asked, “Are you Pastor Scott? My dad talks about you all the time. He was just telling me about camp and seems to have another story just about every day. Sometimes it’s hard to believe all the stories!” 

Charles looked at me and laughed, admitting that the stories may have gotten bigger and more exaggerated as the years went by, but then he said this: “Pastor Scott, camp changed my life. It was during the time at camp, away from my friends, that I made a decision to follow Jesus.”

He asked if we still took kids to summer camp, and when he found out we still do, he said, “Camp changed my life. I don’t have a lot of money but I would like to be the first to make a donation so others just like me would have the opportunity to go to camp.”

What a touching moment to stand there with a former camper and his daughter, hearing the impact our ministry had all those years ago. And how Charles committed to helping future at-risk teenagers have the same life-changing experiences.

Would you be willing to join Charles and give a special gift to help us continue to take at-risk kids to camp? You can give online at or by mailing a check (payable to Leverage Ministries) in the envelope provided. 

In His Service,

Scott Hirdes
Executive Director

Sandy Johnson
God's Perfect Timing

Dear Faithful Supporters,

First, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your faithfulness in praying, volunteering and giving to Leverage Ministries. We have so many ministry partners, and we couldn’t do what we do without you — especially during the holiday season. This busy time starts early in the fall and includes festivals, the Thanksgiving food drive, Thanksgiving holidays meals, decorating Christmas trees, several Christmas parties and meals and more.  It’s busy, but it’s also a very fun time celebrating with all of our kids their families and the staff at the Runaway Shelter.

One of our big goals every year is to provide Christmas gifts to each of the kids that we serve through the breakfast club and runaway shelter.  In many cases, we try to provide gifts to their siblings and other family members as well.  We are blessed to partner with the 7th grade class at Lakeland Christian School, whose generous donations provide many of the gifts that go to our neighborhood kids. There are other location organizations that donate gifts as well.

We spend all of December collecting and wrapping these gifts. We serve more than 50 kids, and we try to have 5-6 gifts per young person. That means we wrap well over 300 gifts!  We have gifts bags for both boys and girls, and we try our best not to get them confused.  Every year this is a giant puzzle because we don’t know how many kids are going to show up prior to each party; we may even have new kids show up.

I only tell you all that so know you can see God’s perfect timing.

Our runaway shelter Christmas party was the final party of our holiday season. We had our meal, sat around the Christmas tree, shared the true meaning of Christmas with the kids, and played some games. The final thing we do is bring out the bags of Christmas gifts for the kids.  We had divided all of the gifts into two categories: boys’ bags and girls’ bags. Each gift bag had 7-8 gifts for each kid.

For over the three months, one of the boys at the shelter had been telling the staff that all he wanted for Christmas was a watch. Although he told the staff many times each day, we at Leverage Ministries had no idea this young man wanted a watch. We watched as this boy opened his first gift. It was a watch exactly like he’d been wanting for the past few months. I have never seen a kid so excited. He kept asking me how I knew. Even the staff, with tears in their eyes, asked how we knew what he wanted.  

We had over 300 wrapped gifts, and there was exactly one watch. The bags were handed out randomly at the very last party, and this boy opened the only gift he really wanted. Only God and His perfect timing can do that. 

Your faithful prayers and generous giving allow us to minister to these kids and witness God’s perfect timing. Thank you.

In His Service, 

Scott Hirdes

Sandy Johnson
An Undeniable Return on Investment

If I’m being completely honest, I’m not a great fundraiser. I know, I know. Not a great thing for the executive director of a nonprofit to admit.

So recently, when a man approached me about a matching gift, I was hesitant to take him up on the offer. This man believes in our mission and in our ministry model, and he wants to give Leverage Ministries $15,000 as a matching gift.

I admitted to him that I was a below-average fundraiser, but I committed to praying and letting our ministry partners know about his incredibly generous gift. I also assured him that we would be faithful with every dollar God provides.

I’ve seen God work despite my shortcomings, and I know this man will receive an incredible return on investment. I've personally witnessed how Leverage Ministries has impacted lives. One specific story that comes to mind happened at a local Sam’s Club on a very hot afternoon in mid-June. 

I was rushing to my car after purchasing ice cream for our Wednesday night ministry at the runway shelter. I was almost to my car when I heard, “Hi, Scott!” I turned to see a couple who had been longtime prayer and financial supporters of our ministry. A young man was helping them load a large grill into their vehicle. 

I knew I should stop to talk, but I wanted to get the ice cream home before it became milk from the Florida heat, so I said a very quick hello and took off for my car. As I was getting to my car, I heard a voice calling, “Pastor Scott, do you remember me?”  I stopped and noticed it was the same young man who had been helping load the grill. I looked more closely and realized it was Kendrick, who had been part of our breakfast club years before.  He threw his arms around me and said, “I can’t believe you remember who I am!”

Kendrick proceeded to tell me how camp and breakfast club changed his life. He said, “I am living for the Lord and going to church, and I have never been arrested. Thank you so much for your ministry. If you did not come into my life, I would be in prison like the rest of my family.  Thank you for taking me to camp that week changed my life.”

Wow. I hadn’t seen this young man in more than five years, and here he was, helping a couple whose support had made it possible for Kendrick to go to camp. Their return on investment was standing right in front on them, helping them load up a grill. I can’t help but think what a sweet reunion that will be in heaven.

As we prepare for the holidays and the end of the year, I would love for you to consider making a special gift to Leverage Ministries so we can continue working with so many unreached and underprivileged teenagers right here in Polk County. All gifts will be matched, dollar for dollar, as part of this $15,000 matching challenge. 

I can guarantee you an incredible return on investment as we continue to reach the abused, abandoned and arrested youth of Central Florida.

Sandy Johnson