$25,000 Matching Gift Offered for "Hey, Dad" Camp Scholarship Fund
Dear Leverage friends and supporters,
Back in April, I shared with you about our “Hey, Dad” Camp Scholarship Fund. We set an ambitious goal of raising $40,000 to help send at-risk kids to camp this summer.
Well, I have some VERY exciting news to share with you today. A very generous Leverage supporter has offered a matching gift of up to $25,000!
That means every dollar given to this scholarship fund will be doubled and even more kids’ lives changed through our camp ministries!
More than ever, we believe that Leverage Ministries is going to reach a generation of young men who have no idea what a father is or supposed to be. We want to point as many kids as possible to our perfect Heavenly Father who never abandons us and who always keeps His promises.
Please join me in supporting our “Hey, Dad” Camp Scholarship Fund. You can give a gift in the envelope provided or give online at www.leverageministries.org/give-now. When you give online, you can select the “Camp Scholarship Fund “ option in the drop down menu.
The deadline to give and have your donation doubled by this matching gift is July 1!
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support as we reach at-risk youth in central Florida
In His Service,
Scott Hirdes